EIMEO LIVIN « Art de Vivre »

« We are the living mosaics of all the places and cultures we have come through. » Moehau, Founder and Director of Eimeo Living. 

The Essence of Eimeo Living resides in a sensational interlude between Indonesia and Polynesia (and beyond). This connection imbued the interior design of our villas and draws a well crafted canevas of the island life in the « Eimeo way ».

Moehau, Founder and Director of Eimeo Living, is weaving a poem of love between Tahiti, her home island, and Bali, her happy place of adoption. She links local specialists, community of artisans with interested and committed guests and customers.

Our story begins with a fierce passion for explorations, human interactions and Arts. With a singular kind of vision characterized by a devotion for vintage style rooted in a Polynesian lost paradise. This retro-romantic nostalgia is felt through designs, paintings, songs, scented candles and whole living spaces. Creating a seizing atmosphere and moments of suspended time. Bound to disconnect and possibly returning to an ecstatic state of full presence.

A yearning to leave a deep and unique impression on body and soul is represented in our wide range of actions as well as in the diversity of our products. Eimeo Living is, indeed, born out of this creative pulse translated into a universe of possibles. Spontaneity is our great master as we leave the door open to the natural and magic flow of life. Along side with synergies and collaborations with our partners , we can orchestrate a harmonious and fair work pace, slowing down to a normal human rhythm.